PR, Content and Social Media

As a PR agency, PR KONSTANT has been successfully working in Düsseldorf for 27 years for well-known companies in the areas of public relations and social media. It is our strength to make up-and-coming brands known through our PR work, but also well-established brands rely on our service. We specialize in topics related to digitalization, IT, TC, lifestyle, e-mobility, solar and camping, depending on requirements we focus on B2B and B2C. Our business partners – and especially the journalists – benefit from the personal, professional and fast support as well as the handling of inquiries or projects of our PR agency.

Current Press Releases

Erster E-Scooter mit bis zu 120 km Reichweite: Der „IO HAWK Legacy“ mit Front- und Heckblinkern, eABS, integriertem Bremslicht, 500 Watt Motor und zwei Ladeports

Das Krefelder Unternehmen IO HAWK stellt mit dem „Legacy“ sein neues Flaggschiff mit enormer Reichweite von 120 km vor. Dafür sorgt eine Lithium-Batterie mit 25 Amperestunden. Der 500 Watt Motor und die integrierte Spring-R-Federungstechnologie mit hydraulischer Federung am Hinterrad sorgen für ein bisher unbekanntes Fahrgefühl auf dem E-Scooter mit Straßenzulassung. Die luftgefüllten 10 Zoll Offroad-Reifen […]

Coolblue Storeeröffnung Essen

Coolblue expandiert weiter: Neuer Store eröffnet in Essen

Online-Händler bietet 8 Produktwelten, umfassenden Kundenservice und liefert via CoolblueRadelt kleine Pakete per Fahrrad aus Zusammenfassung Coolblue, der größte Online-Elektronikhändler in den Niederlanden und Belgien, hat heute in Essen seine zweite Filiale in Deutschland eröffnet. Damit einher geht auch der Ausbau der eigenen Infrastruktur im Ruhrgebiet. So werden ab sofort kleine Pakete in und um […]

Neues Fa(l)t-E-Bike von Blaupunkt: „Enno“ fährt wie auf Wolken und bringt den Rückenwind gleich mit / Extra dicke Fat-Bike-Reifen, zwei Gepäckträger und ein optimierter Heckmotor

Das neue E-Falt-Fahrrad „Enno“ fährt mit extra breiten 20 Zoll Reifen im Fat-Bike-Style vor – die liefern nicht nur Coolness, sondern auch Fahrkomfort und Stabilität. Außerdem verfügt das schicke Blaupunkt-Modell über einen Heckmotor mit optimiertem Antrieb sowie über ein mattes, kieselgraues Design. Hochwertige Bremsen und eine 7-Gang-Schaltung machen das Fahrvergnügen sicher und komfortabel. Der stabile […]

Nicht nur für Vintage Fans: Neue ANKER Retrokasse als Design-Gehäuse für vorhandene Hardware oder als vollwertiges Kassensystem inklusive Software

Ob im Einzelhandel, Bistro, in der Boutique oder beim Floristen – die neue Retrokasse RK10 aus dem Traditionshaus ANKER überzeugt nicht nur als Eyecatcher auf der Theke: Das durchdachte Kassengehäuse bietet perfekt abgestimmten Platz für vorhandene Standard-Hardwarekomponenten – wie Drucker, Tablet und Kundendisplay – und sorgt für Ordnung im Kassenbereich. So haben Einzelhändler und Besitzer […]


Das E-Commerce-Unternehmen Coolblue erzielt einen Rekordumsatz von 2,3 Milliarden Euro

Zusammenfassung Coolblue, der größte Online-Elektronikhändler in den Niederlanden und Belgien, gibt heute seine Jahreszahlen für 2021 bekannt. Das E-Commerce-Unternehmen hat einen Rekordumsatz von 2,3 Milliarden Euro in Deutschland, den Niederlanden und Belgien erzielt und ist in Deutschland stark gewachsen. Coolblue möchte im Jahr 2025 in Deutschland einen Umsatz von 1 Milliarde Euro erreichen. In diesem […]

Public Relations

Our PR work includes strategic consulting support, which is characterized by experience and know-how paired with fresh ideas. We create and implement custom-made PR concepts and campaigns. We work with target group-specific press releases and distributors, making use of our extensive network and long-standing media contacts. We also support and coordinate trade fairs, events and press conferences. Our customers, journalists, bloggers and influencers benefit equally from our constant PR service.

Text creation and website service

In addition to PR, we specialize in the creation of content. We do not only write reports, case studies or whitepapers, but we also communicate them to the media. Our close relationship to the publications allows us further to act as a editorial office ourselves. We write and publish articles and editorial contributions. Furthermore, we have already implemented numerous website projects with success – we do not only provide exciting and understandable German web texts, but also SEO optimisation of the content. On request, we take care of the editorial maintenance of the website too. We also create German texts for newsletters, customer magazines, flyers and brochures quickly, custom-fit and flexibly.

Social Media

Whether Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Xing or LinkedIn: our social media service provides new fans and followers. From the conception to the creation of content to new products, sales activities and company news, whether raffles or competitions, we reach the desired target group and ensure engagement and traffic. We are also happy to take over the collaboration with influencers and KOL on social media in order to further increase the reach.


We also support our clients when it comes to marketing. From campaign planning to conception, negotiation and mediation of media cooperation or advertisements to sponsored posts and lead generation. We help with media planning, whether print, digital or AdWords.

Feel free to contact us and we will create a customized concept to support your company. You can reach our PR office in Düsseldorf here.

B2C references

LG Electronics – more than 7 years of PR support

As part of our PR and publicity work for the world-famous consumer electronics company, we presented the first LG mobile phones with which the Korean player entered the German mobile communications market to the media. Our press work generated countless press reports and enormous media attention. In addition, PR KONSTANT also launched the world’s first flat screen in Germany and created a large reach for the new technology in the DACH region. The PR agency not only used PR tools such as press releases, press conferences, sampling of tests, press meetings and media tours, but also organized a PR trip with journalists to LG’s Korean factories.

IO HAWK – more than 8 years of PR support

For the specialist in E-Mobility who has gained prominence in the media today, we presented the first hoverboard to the German-speaking press in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. This was followed by a large number of articles, tests, reviews, and interviews. In addition, we presented e-bikes and some of the first street-legal e-scooters to the media. Another highlight were the e-skates, an extraordinary form of e-mobility that not only reached the traditional media, but also bloggers, YouTubers and influencers.

Blaupunkt – more than 10 years of PR support

For the brand Blaupunkt, PR KONSTANT has successfully served as the press office for a decade and takes care of all the concerns of journalists as well as of the client. Our PR consultants support the sectors of folding e- bikes, car multimedia, and audio. This showcases the strength of the Düsseldorf-based PR specialists: Blaupunkt products are not only represented in the specialist magazines for e-bikes, cars, caravans, audio equipment and household appliances, but also major media such as TV, daily, weekly and business publications pick up our customer’s news.

Yamaha – more than 3 years of PR support

Long before technologies like Google Chromecast or Bluetooth True Wireless Stereo flooded homes with music, the PR team at PR KONSTANT presented the first multiroom sound system, the MusicCast by Yamaha, to the German-speaking media. A revolution that hit the headlines through professional communication. This was where the strength of PR services from PR KONSTANT became apparent. Because in addition to the usual PR work, the team convinces with its own press releases and reports, for example in the channel press or in business media, including a full-page article in Handelsblatt with the headline “Wie kommt Musik durchs Haus”. PR KONSTANT was a trendsetter here – today this is called “storytelling” …

GOLEYGO – more than 4 years of PR support

The magnetic snap lock from GOLEYGO enables dog owners to securely leash their four-legged friends on and off in seconds with one hand. The Cologne start-up became known for its successful appearance on the VOX program “Die Höhle der Löwen”, in which it concluded a deal in 2018 with investors Ralf Dümmel and Frank Thelen. The PR KONSTANT GOLEYGO team has been accompanying GOLEYGO with PR work and support with the launch of new products. The range of dog leashes with the innovative locking system was expanded in 2019 to include products for equestrian sports. Through classic media work, blogger relations and support at trade fairs, the Düsseldorf PR consultants generate many reports in well-known daily newspapers such as Express, Bild am Sonntag or Focus as well as in industry-specific animal, dog and horse titles and blogs .

B2B references

Dolby – more than 4 years of PR support

Besides HDMI and MHL, the PR agency from Düsseldorf is also responsible for the introduction of various Dolby technologies from the audio, home cinema and gaming sectors. Our PR team presented Dolby Volume, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby Home Theater v4 and Dolby Axon to the media at various media events, editorial tours and trade fairs. A highlight were the press breakfasts in the Dolby Media Lounge at the Internationale Funkausstellung (IFA) in Berlin where we presented groundbreaking and now established audio technologies, whether for good sound in stereo systems, televisions, cinemas, cars or computer games together with the multiple Oscar winner.

abas Software – more than 8 years

The results for the abas Software GmbH from Karlsruhe show how high the visibility is, which PR KONSTANT generates for software companies from the B2B sector. The PR consultants from Düsseldorf have already been supporting the software manufacturer for 8 years; not only in product and corporate communications, but also in the creation of user and reference reports as well as case studies. Today, the ERP solution does not only appear in specialist publications of the respective industries. The ERP manufacturer from Karlsruhe is also referred in major national business publications such as the Süddeutsche Zeitung, WirtschaftsWoche, Handelsblatt or in the magazine Impulse. At trade fairs, congresses, conferences and meetings, the PR agency PR KONSTANT arranges numerous interviews and increases the number of reports about the provider from year to year. Numerous reference reports published in the media illustrate the customer satisfaction of the users. In addition, the PR team also assumes tasks in the social media sector and the creation of press photos.

CryptoTec AG – more than 2 years of PR support 

To be or not to be: This was also evident in the PR for CryptoTec AG, a Cologne-based B2B start-up that offers high-security solutions for the communication of decentralized computer systems and wants to secure intellectual property and our privacy as a fundamental right. Keywords are protection against eavesdropping, manipulation and forgery.

The task for the press team was not only to successfully place these high values in top class media and to act credible and trustworthy while doing so. The challenge was to convince journalists of the benefit of a completely new IT technology: the Blockchain. PR KONSTANT succeeded in this through many discussions, meetings, case studies and editorial visits. The results are interviews in business media and TV programmes, press articles in online and print media as well as reports about CryptoTec in relevant blogs.

Roqqio (now REMIRA) – 4 years
The advancing digitization makes e-commerce more and more important for retail. PR KONTANT presents the solutions of the software provider Roqqio to the print and online media. Roqqio supports the retail stores with new, digital concepts to keep up with the latest changes. The offline and online business is intelligently linked in order to offer consumers the best possible shopping experience across all sales channels. Through press publications, interviews, face-to-face meetings with journalists, visits to editorial offices, the creation of case studies and reference reports as well as support for trade fair appearances and congresses, the PR team is able to present the solutions to the public and in well-known media – including Handelsblatt, Mobile Business, ChannelPartner, CRN, Telecom Handel, POS Kompakt, E-Commerce Magazin or Tagesspiegel.

Now PR KONSTANT is supporting REMIRA, the company into which Roqqio has been integrated

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